
 Parent Information Night (P.I.N.)

We hold our P.I.N. the second Thursday of each month.  P.I.N. meetings provide opportunities for parents to get involved and join our parent booster meetings.  We look forward to seeing you at our P.I.N. meeting this month!
Meeting Schedule: 
5:30 ELAC
The English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) meets in the library.  This meeting is for parents whose students speak more than one language and includes dinner.
6:00 Cheer Boosters
Cheer Boosters meet in room 12.  This meeting is for parents whose students are part of Branham's Cheer Squad.
7:00 Schoolwide Presentations
All parents are invited to attend this general session in room 12.  This meeting includes general school information.
7:30 Sports Boosters
Sports Boosters meet in the Library.  This meeting is for parents whose students are involved in athletics at Branham.
7:30 Music Boosters 
Music Boosters meet in room 64.  This meeting is for parents whose students are involved in Branham's Royal Alliance (or Marching Band).